
Brinquitos Soft Play LLC

Phone: (562) 356-8326
Business Hours: M-F 9AM-6PMEmail: brinquitos.softplay@gmail.comWebsite: Visit Website

We are a veteran owned business. My husband is a Veteran of the Marine Corps, and he’s been my biggest supporter in starting this business. I’m a stay at home mom. This business was inspired by my two children. Celebrations have always been a part of our lives and my children always wanted to brincar in the Brinquito with the older kids and were never afraid to brincar no matter the size. I was that parent going inside the Brinquito to make sure my children were safe. For my son and daughters 1st and 3rd bday I rented softplay from a local vendor, they had the best time ever. 

I always want my children to have fun and feel included.I love that they are both so excited to “go to work.” They help me clean up and set up at events. This really just warms my heart that they are so involved.  It's been about a year since I started researching the soft play business and ever since then I have thought about the idea that I can create my own business.  And here I am, ready to take on this soft play business to make celebrations more fun for our little ones.